
Advanced English Education for Tomorrow's Leaders

TROPHY9, an innovative English education program by Trophy Learning, incorporates Benchmark Education's U.S. textbooks in accordance with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). It provides a comprehensive approach to English language learning, targeted for students in EFL environments. TROPHY9 emphasizes differentiated learning strategies and enables students to enhance their core language abilities and prepare for the future.

Trophy Learning Corporation is a leading English education company that has dedicated over 20 years to researching, developing, and publishing English textbooks and e-learning programs. We have successfully distributed our products to over 2,000 educational institutions nationwide, establishing ourselves as a specialist in English education.

Benchmark Education provides education programs that meet the needs of a wide range of students. Whether they are good at English or not, or require additional support in their learning, our programs provide solutions for students with different needs.

Integrated Curriculum Implementing the U.S. Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

Video Presentation: Introducing Benchmark Education

A carefully curated compilation of titles from over 3,000 content
Available in both paperback and e-book formats for all content
Excellent textbooks adopted by over 500 schools in California

Integrating Language Domains

Language Learning
Reading Listening Speaking Writing Grammar Vocabulary Problem-solving Activity Experiential Activity Interaction Activity Writing Activity Grammar-focused Activity Word Structure Activity

Key Features

New contents (latest textbooks aligned with CCSS)

Close reading
Analyzing test

Meeting the diverse needs of learners

Comprehensive and gradual 54-step curriculum

Utilizing eBooks for effective classroom teaching

Providing effective learning tools

Practical and result-oriented English & Balanced learning

Language Learning

Online study integration with classroom lessons

9 areas of learning Speech recognition technology

Additional learning services


Proven Integrated English Education Program through Classroom Teaching and Research

Students in grades K-6 who have participated in the Benchmark Education English program have achieved high scores and demonstrated outstanding performance, especially with K-grade students outperforming their peers using other reading programs by 35% on the DRA-WA assessment.

Following their participation in the Benchmark Education English program, boys in grades 3 to 5 showed an average score improvement of 9%, 15%, and 17% compared to the state average.

Proven English Education Solution Recognized through Awards in Various Educational Fields